Worried about Microplastics?

A study by the German Hohenstein Institute showed that BeirTex releases 40% less microplastic fibres

Short summary

Beirholm recently participated in a groundbreaking study on textiles' microplastics release conducted by the German Hohenstein Institute. The test results?

Our BeirTex technology released:

  • 40% less microplastics after the 1st wash cycle and
  • more than 50% less after the 5th wash cycle
Our label shows that BeirTex has been integrated into the textile to ensure better performance in the laundry including lower microplastic release

Beirholm develops and tests textile types that retain polyester fibres better

Textiles can release microplastics, so what are the standardised measurements and facts that can be presented in a serious debate on microplastic pollution of our planet?

“For Europe’s laundry industry, this is still a new area; which is why we continuously research, develop and test to find out more and validate measurement methods,” says Yahvi Frimand Paludan-Müller, project manager for sustainable solutions at Beirholms Væverier.

“We use our knowledge of textiles to help industrial operations, and look forward to the day that a testing method is developed, approved and agreed upon across the different markets. The laundries play an important role in this process, and we focus on supporting them, for example in their communication, because preventing the release of microplastics at all stages of the lifecycle is important for the environment.”

BeirTex can be integrated into all types of products from terry to linen

Test: BeirTex® is best at retaining fibres

The Hohenstein Institute in Bönnigheim, Germany, has tested the release of fibres in a number of polyester/cotton textiles.

The BeirTex® technology was found to be significantly better at retaining polyester fibres compared to a corresponding market-standard textile.

“In the test, all released fibres were counted and divided into cotton and polyester,” explains Yahvi Frimand Paludan-Müller.

“We provided three different textiles for the test: a good market-standard product, a BeirTex® product with virgin polyester and the same product with recycled polyester.”

The test produced two important results:

1. After the first wash, the BeirTex® virgin and recycled polyester products released 40% and 15% fewer microplastic fibres, respectively, compared to the good market-standard product

2. After five washes, the BeirTex® virgin and recycled polyester products only released half as many microplastic fibres compared to the good market-standard product

In other words, the BeirTex® textiles release much less microplastic in their lifetime compared to standard good-quality products.Interested in learning more? In our full press release, we discuss the sustainable benefits of polyester.

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