

The textile industry's challenge

It is now 8 years ago that Rana Plaza, a textile factory in Bangladesh, collapsed and killed 1.138 workers. A devastating story from the textile industry. The factory building did not live up to standards required by legislation. Since then, no fewer than 109 incidents have occured. It is safe to say that the textile industry is in dire need of change. And that the change must go beyond creating a safe and healthy working environment to also deal with challenges such as low pay, job discrimination, and child labour.

At Beirholm, however, we have been working closely with a few carefully selected manufacturing partners for decades. With the implementation of our Code of Conduct back in the 1990's, we took the first steps on our sustainability journey. In year 2000, Beirholm was amongst the first in the industry to introduce textiles with the EU Ecolabel. Since then, we have continuously collaborated with our manufacturing partners to improve the social- and environmental standards of the manufacturing process. Today, we are proud to say that our processes live up to some of the strictest social- and environmental standards currently available.

Beirholm | Blycoling, Beirholm and Sapphire collaborate as One Company

"Beirholm is a leader in providing guidance
on Due Diligence to their textile service partners"

Nicolet Keetelar, Purchasing Manager at Blycolin


We work as One Company

We engage in partnerships with only a few carefully selected of manufacturers, typically vertically integrated from spinning to the final product. This strategic collaboration not only enables innovation in textile technologies but also guarantees our ability to deliver a consistent and uniform quality. Every time. Moreover, it empowers us to tackle social and environmental responsibilities in a thorough and integrated manner.

Rooted in our "One Company" philosophy, we are dedicated to fostering enduring partnerships. This approach guarantees that we, along with our partners, adhere to the same high standards, operating seamlessly as if we were one unified company.

The term "One Company" was invented by our long-term manufacturing partner, Sapphire.

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